In this thread we will share any updates to Lend’s parameters as they happen. It will serve as a changelog for the parameters, and is also an invitation to the community to discuss any changes to Lend.
Here is the current changelog up to May 8th, 2023:
Opening Mint Caps:
stkd-SCRT: 50,000 SILK
USDT: 200,000 SILK
USDC: 200,000 SILK
stATOM: 100,000 SILK
stOSMO: 25,000 SILK
Mint Caps Raised 4/19/2023:
stkd-SCRT: 125,000 SILK (+75,000)
USDC: 350,000 SILK (+150,000)
stATOM: 200,000 SILK (+100,000)
stOSMO: 50,000 SILK (+25,000)
Minting closed 4/22/2023
New Vaults with raised Max LTV and Mint Caps 4/22/2023
stkd-SCRT: 50% Max LTV (+5%); 250,000 SILK Cap (+125,000)
USDT: 85% Max LTV; 200,000 SILK Cap
USDC: 85% Max LTV; 400,000 SILK Cap (+50,000)
stATOM: 60% Max LTV (+15%); 500,000 SILK Cap (+300,000)
stOSMO: 55% Max LTV (+10%); 100,000 SILK Cap (+50,000)
Mint Caps Raised 4/23/2023
stATOM: 800,000 SILK Cap (+300,000)
Mint Caps Raised 4/28/2023
USDT: 300,000 SILK Cap (+100,000)
USDC: 450,000 SILK Cap (+50,000)
stOSMO: 200,000 SILK Cap (+100,000)
Mint Caps Raised 5/8/2023
USDT: 700,000 SILK Cap (+400,000)
USDC: 850,000 SILK Cap (+400,000)
stOSMO: 300,000 SILK Cap (+100,000)
stkd-SCRT: 300,000 SILK Cap(+50,000)