SHD Staking Bug Remediation Plan

This post outlines the plan to compensate users who were affected by the SHD staking bug that was patched on October 19th. For more information on the details of the bug, please read the SHD Staking Bug - Post Mortem forum post.

We want to reiterate that the staking contract bug only affected users who were performing a staking transaction AND claiming rewards without auto compounding in the same transaction. In order to claim rewards without auto compounding them, users would have had to manually “uncheck” the box to “Stake Unclaimed Rewards”.

This bug does not impact:

  • Users who performed staking tx while auto-compounding their SHD rewards
  • Users who were solely claiming rewards

While the likely number of users affected by this bug is very small, we want to ensure the community that anyone affected by this bug will be reimbursed in-full.

If you believe you were affected by this bug, please reach out to Mr. Garbonzo or Antonymous on Telegram or Discord. Mr. Garbonzo and Antonymous will be able to walk through the process of helping collect the necessary information from your staking contract interactions to determine if you were affected by this bug. If you were indeed affected, you will be reimbursed the SHD you should have claimed.



Neither of these individuals will message anyone first. If you receive any messages from what looks to be these individuals before you reach out, they are scammers. Do not interact with these scammers.

Thank you you all for your patience as we work through assisting potentially affected individuals.

Onward and Upward,
Shade Contributors

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