Updated stkdSCRT Validator Set and Scoring Criteria - Q3'23

The stkdSCRT validator set selection and criteria updating has been complete for Q3 of 2023.

Key Highlights:

  • Secure Secrets allocation increased to 20%
  • All other validators receive 4% allocation (~350K SCRT)
  • 7.5% weight reduction from uptime score
  • 2.5% weight reduction from decentralization score
  • 10% weight addition for relaying score
  • Increase commission hard cap to 10%
  • Commission score (10% weight) now broken up into Max Comm Score (5%) and Current Commission Score (5%)

As a result, the validator scoring equation is as follows:

(0.525 * UptimeScore) + (0.125 * DecentralizationScore) + (0.15 * Governance Activity Score) + (0.10 * Cumulative Commission Score) + (0.10 * Relaying Score).

Based on the updated validator scoring criteria, the Q3 stkdSCRT validator set is as follows:

The changes made to the validator scoring criteria reflect the desire of the protocol to not only include, but prioritize Secret Network relayer inclusion into the stkdSCRT validator set to better align Shade Protocol and it’s necessary infrastructure providers while helping subsidize the cost of relaying which has historically been a loss making endeavor. Additionally, reduction of criteria minimums was made to allow validators who have been previously limited from inclusion a chance to enter the set (as long as all other minimum criteria were met and their objective validator score remains in Top 20.

Redelegations for stkdSCRT validator set will likely occur next week.

Thank you all for your patience as we worked to optimize the allocations and validator inclusion criteria for the stkdSCRT validator set. If anyone has questions about changes made to the set or inclusion criteria, please leave a comment or reach out in Telegram.

Onward and Upwards,
Red Eyed Bear